About Me

Hey! Hey! I am Kim Kravitz.
First and foremost … my main titles in life are wife and mom! The two people and three dogs that give me these two titles bring me so much JOY in life!

About Me

I love driving with the windows down and music up, the weather channel, and vacuuming. Yep, I love a clean house! Speaking of houses…we are living tiny in our 5th wheel in New England at the present moment. And I am passionate about working out, personal development, and figuring out how to “eat healthy” while being a picky eater.

After our big move to NE, I put down my camera and started fitness coaching full time! I am blessed to be able to help my clients (other women just like you!) get mentally and physically fit in the privacy of their own homes through my Virtual Bootcamps.

So, what’s my story?

I first started working out WAY BACK in 2009 after Aaron deployed as a way to manage stress and stay busy after having Kelcie. We lived on Fort Riley in the middle of Kansas, and I had easy access to the gym and hourly childcare. Fast forward to 2015 and our military life is coming to an end and with that the gym access. We moved to Northwest Arkansas, where there are no army bases, so I joined Planet Fitness. It was 40 minutes there, 40 minutes back, plus my 2 hour workout. At first, this was okay because I’d just go after I dropped the kids off at school in the morning. Winning!

fitness transformation
Fitness Transformation

Well, in theory I was winning. I application this was not going to last. By the time I got home from the gym, ate my lunch, and showered, I had NO time to work on my photography business before having to head back to town to pick up the kids from school. And due to Aaron’s medical needs, working out after school was just not an option. I needed to find a solution that cut down on how much time I was spending out of the home.

Coach Kim K.

Luckily for me BeachBody was becoming a more “known” company and they were starting to grow their library of programs. I ordered Body Beast Challenge Pack with Sagi Kalev because it seemed like it would be the most similar to the same type of routine I was doing at the gym. And, like most of my clients, I failed that program lol HA! Yep, I failed it, didn’t complete it, just could not wrap my head around working out at home with the limited amount of equipment that I had. My solution was just to go back to the gym. We didn’t have much longer left in Arkansas (long story for a blog post lol), and I would just put photography on the back burner and focus on my family and I’s health first.

A year or two after our move to Southeast Kansas, I moved my photography studio back home AND created a workout space for myself!!! I ran into the same “time” problem in KS that I did in AR, so going back to BeachBody programs seemed like the best solution. I had the space and equipment, it gave me my time back, and allowed me to be present for my family. Now I was REALLY winning!

At home fitness

After doing the at home barre program, I was able to get into the best shape I’ve been in in a LONG time! I absolutely loved the daily pep talk you’d get at the beginning of the workout, the daily motivational cards, and it brought back memories “good ‘ol days” when I cheered and twirled because we were doing some of the same moves.

Then COVID hit. Our county, like most, shutdown for literally no reason because we had zero cases (and would have a case for quite some time). My photography business was once again put on the back burner since everyone was staying at home. This gave me the PERFECT opportunity to start coaching! The gyms were closed or offered limited access, so I said why not and jumped in with two feet to start helping other women stay physically and mentally fit while we all figured out a new daily routine.

Aaron and I made so many life changes because of the pandemic. It became a blessing to our family and allowed us to start writing a new chapter! So, here we are in 2022 … Our family has gotten the much needed rest and recuperation that we needed. We’ve moved to the east coast, Aaron has gone back to work, and I’m still helping women with my virtual bootcamps.

Barre Blend Transformation

That’s my “not so long winded story” about why and how I started coaching. So … I want to extend the invitation for you to join us! Our community is filled with women on the same journey you will be on working to become the best version of themselves, physically and mentally, by doing our 4 vital behaviors. Yes, we utilize BeachBody products, but you are not required to purchase supplements that are not going to help you reach your goals!!! We all have different needs and I make recommendations based on your desired results not what I need to hit a “quota.” To get started, it’s pretty simple … click the link below, fill out the form, and I will buzz you as soon as I see your answers pop up in my email. I can’t wait to work with you!!!